Saturday, May 3, 2014

It seems the sun and I decided to rise together and as I gaze towards the horizon I see my Masters paint strokes across the sky.  What a loving God, the colors before my eyes so vivid so defined, its as if He speaks to me and says... 
      here my love, this is for you.

As I ponder upon this gift my thoughts quickly turn to the sound of a birds call riding early on the morning breeze.  It is the most beautiful sound, a sound I have yet to hear.  The scale of notes, the staccato and shrill, reminds me again of Him, the One who hung the stars in place and knows them all by name.  He created this gift today, just for me, to take in and enjoy.

Hearing the sound just isn’t enough to fill my inquisitive spirit, I want to see this beautiful treasure box of sound myself, I run to the window to try and figure out where this gift is found.  I can hear the sound but yet cannot see where it comes from.  Frustration begins to settle in and then I am quickly reminded I believe by Him.  

     Isn’t it enough to know that I am here, to hear Me...
                        even though you don’t always see Me.

His Word teaches that He works in mysterious ways, if He did things the same way every time, would we truly appreciate the times when we not only hear Him but see His face as well.  

What about the countless times when we see His handiwork blazed across the sky, we hear a song of beauty coming from the trees, we gaze across the table into a loved ones eyes.  Do we see Him in these times, do we stop to pause and say, Thank You God for your love that is demonstrated in so many beautiful ways all throughout my day.

Does this mean that the next time that He gives me a gift of song or melody through creation that I won't rush to the window to catch a glimpse of Him, absolutely not, for hunger and desire are an escort to the deeper things of God.  

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