Saturday, February 16, 2013


This pin really got me thinking but I need your help to make this happen!!

Its Pinterest challenge time my friends and this is how I'm hoping it will work.....  visit my Pinterest boards at:
and choose any pin from the one entitled: PINTEREST CHALLENGE .

Come back to this blog by 2/ 23 and leave your choice in the comment section.  I will then tally the votes and if necessary put those selected in a hat to choose my first attempt.  I hope to blog about the pin including pics and details.

Maybe we'll end up challenging each other to start DOING more and PINNING less.
(Although the pinning is awful fun:)


  1. Hey Mom,

    I want you to try Blueberry Maple Pecan Cinnamon Buns.

  2. Hello Mumma,
    I want you to try the Tequila Lime Chicken Tacos!! YUMMMY I can taste them already.

  3. Hey honey I think you should try the tiramisu cake.

  4. I'm glad Dad chose the Cake, cuz now I'll in a way get more than one of my picks done! :p And I have two more that I think you should do!!

    1. Chalk board sign
    2. Old Book Spines into book marks! (I want one!)

    xo Al
